Thank you, your order has been received. We have sent you an email with a summary of your recent purchase.

Orders are shipped expedited via Canada Post within 1-3 business days of purchase. Once your item has been shipped you’ll receive an Order Fulfillment email, including your tracking information.

All orders are shipped expedited via Canada Post. The time it takes to arrive will greatly depend on where in Canada you are located. Orders within Toronto’s GTA should arrive within 2 to 5 business days. For estimated package arrival please refer to your tracking information.

If your order is for delivery in the central Toronto area, your order will be delivered within 2-5 days.

Send an email to within 1 hour of placing the order, including cancellations. Keep in mind it is your responsibility to accurately input your order information at checkout. Be sure to verify you’ve included the correct address, unit number (if applicable), postal code, and any specific delivery instructions. Failing to provide accurate shipping information may result in a returned item to the sender or a lost item. If an item needs to be re-shipped due to the customer’s error in inputting their address correctly, they may incur additional fees.